Global Attestation provide UAE Attestation which is necessary for migration purpose, job purpose, business purpose...etc. Contact Global for more services : 9995697979 | 090-20-400700

UAE Embassy Attestation is necessary, if you are planning to migrate to UAE for various purpose like job, higher studies, business...etc. Global Attestation provide UAE Attestation from UAE Embassy.

Global Attestation provide Certificate Attestation for UAE migration. For that you need to submit some documents like MEA Attestation, MOFA Attestation...etc. UAE Attestation is necessary for the foll

Track record: AL student from G to A* within 3.5 months, 12 years old student got 10A and A* in IGCSE
C教學進修 / 補習Catherine Ho

泰拳,帶氧拳擊,健體舞,瑜伽,普拉提,橡筋帶伸展,體能,PT, 自組班,公司班,團體班

CUHK First Class Honour, IB Math+Physics/GCE Math+Physics/AP Calculus+Statistics/Oxbridge Math Admission Test tutoring
W教學進修 / 統計課程Will-math-IB

鄰近第1至7座及帝華軒. 單邊位,出入方面. 租金包差餉管理費. 可以隨時起租. 租約期: 一年死約, 1個月按金,其後1個月通知.
M物業地產 / 車位Ming Law

ERB[陪月員課程]及有十年以上照願0~6歲嬰/幼兒的保姆經驗。性格開朗,善於與小朋友溝通 和 啟發兒童成長,並獲前家長推薦信嘉許。 I'm an experienced nanny in taking care kids from new born to 6yrs. old. I'm cheerful and good at communicating with them.
親子 / 保母鄧姨姨

教學進修 / 會計及經濟Six Sigma Institute

自成一閣, 環境清優, 室內運動場, 同區罕有
S物業地產 / 住宅出租SAM LAW (代理人)

全職私人補習導師 - Private Tutor ( 化學補習、物理補習 、 數學補習 )、畢業(2012)於英國倫敦帝國學院(Imperial College London)世界排行第6,主修化學(Major Chemistry), 副修物理(Physics)及化學工程(chemical engineering)並獲得(2.1 honours degree)。 憑着豐富經驗並提供學生大量訓練
p教學進修 / 補習peterpoker

全職私人補習導師 - Private Tutor ( 化學補習、物理補習 、 數學補習 )、畢業(2012)於英國倫敦帝國學院(Imperial College London)世界排行第6,主修化學(Major Chemistry), 副修物理(Physics)及化學工程(chemical engineering)並獲得(2.1 honours degree)。 憑着豐富經驗並提供學生大量訓練
p教學進修 / 補習peterpoker17

One-to-one private french classes/ 一對一私人法語課程 - From Beginner to Advanced level --- for your personal interests, preparation for exams/ relocation, daily business communication, or even to supplement
J教學進修 / 語言課程Jean Francois

交通便利,全新專業大型三角琴教學,另設有伴奏,樂理常規班及速成班 上課100%確保使用三角琴 另設有獨立房間設置直身鋼琴供學生練習用 導師會針對不同學員能力因材施教 絕不拖延進度亦不接受學生盲目追趕升級 了解學生狀況,啟發學生對音樂的興趣 專業一對一用心教學 優質學習環境,具備耐性,愛心和責任感 新生可以優惠價試堂一次 即時繳交 4堂 學費可免其試堂費用 詳情請致電 MS LAW 622 12 7

專業一對一用心教學,優質學習環境,具備耐性,愛心和責任感,為了學習更多不同的教學模式和提升教育質素,已修讀及成功考取英國皇家音樂學院DIP TEACHING 教學文憑,絕對是你的信心之選,新生可以優惠價試堂一次,即時繳交4堂學費可免其試堂費用

Global Attestation provide UAE Attestation services.

Find Your True Corporate Voice | ISO 9001 : 2008 certified | All language pairs supported
B商業 / 撰稿BridgeLink Language Services Ltd.

Qualified in teaching various aspects of English such as phonics, grammar, exam prep, interview prep, presentation skills, creative writing, public speaking and several others.
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